Research report on the skill gaps in small companies regarding wellbeing in the company
The report provides a comprehensive picture of the ability of small businesses in the EU to manage well-being in the workplace. The report focusses on two key perspectives, the employees and employer ones. The survey details skill gaps in the following areas: career planning; flexible and hybrid work mechanisms; familiarity with artificial intelligence systems for managing workers; knowledge of physical and technological barriers for workers with disabilities; community wellbeing policies; work/life balance for company managers.
VET curriculum addressed to leaders of small companies active in the consulting and professional services sector
The curriculum is developed in compliance with EUROPASS, EQF, ECVET and adopts a "blended" methodology combining face-to-face, work-based training actions and online resources (course duration 62 hours in total, including 42 hours of training + 20 hours of Work-Based.
The programme is structured on 6 training modules:
- career planning
- hybrid work strategies
- artificial intelligence for worker management
- accessibility issues and mentalwell-being
- community well-being
- life-work-balance
A powerful OER for advanced training in the field, which is based on the 6 modules of the tested and validated training curriculum.
manual for VET players to integrate the STAY OK programme in their training offer
The "Open Manual for VET Providers" supports EU trainers, tutors, mentors, etc., to facilitate the inclusion of the VET curriculum STAY OK in their training offer.
Digital Tool for the self-assessment of wellbeing in the company
An innovative digital tool to support small business leaders in self-assessing the level of workplace well-being in their company.